Tera Bytes are the largest unit of measurement.
unit of measurement
KGA is not a standard unit of measurement in the International System of Units (SI). It is possible that KGA is a specific unit used in a particular industry or context, but without further information, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. If you can provide more context or details, I can offer a more precise explanation.
No, a pencil is not a unit of measurement.
The unit of measurement of force is 'Newton'
The smaller the unit the more accurate the measurement will be.
byte">byte1. A group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.2. Such a group as a unit of memory size.No, byte is a noun.
No - It is a unit of measurement of liquid quantity or volume
the unit of measurement for destiny
The largest unit of memory is a Yoda Byte. :)