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Q: What is the term used to check the correctness of the data in a database or spreadsheet application?
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This is an elaboration of the question presented: Our company has a spreadsheet that is derived from a database application. The application downloads records that have almost 50 fields (A-Z) and (AA-ZZ), making for a cumbersome display. I would like to add a front end in Excel that allows fields to easiy be hidden for unhidden. In this control, a default set of fields would be displayed (checked) and others could be added creating a customized display of data to work w/. The unwanted data would still be in the spreadsheet, but would not display.

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check the correctness of the relation dimensionally: S(n)=u+1/2a(2n-1)

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the correctness of hyperbola can be determine by drawing a perpendicular and then rub it draw a parallel line with respect to the perpendicular line which you drawn if the intersect then your hyperbola is correct..

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Advanced web editors like Eclipse or Edit Plus show you tags in different colors and you can use them to identify the correctness of your code. Or you can run your HTML file in a web browser to check its correctness. HTML does not have a compiler like other programming languages because it is a markup language and not a programming language like java or C

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A manual check of the algorithm to ensure its correctness.

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Compilers check correctness of your program syntax, memory allocation procedures and so on.

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Divisions will not have a remainder if the divisor is a factor of the number. eg 6/2=3

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a form is where you check a form

Is there a life insurance database showing policies paid out?

No there is not. There is also no central database that you can check for policies taken out on individuals.

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check your answer