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If you listen to a standard speech with no long pauses it would be about 150-170 words per minute

If you write a speech that is the subject of simultaneous interpretation it is better to keep the speed at about 120 words per minute.

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Q: What is the standard words per minute for a speech?
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How many words are spoken per minute in a speech?

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The number of words in a 3-minute speech can vary based on the speaker's pace, but on average, a person speaks about 100-130 words per minute. Therefore, a 3-minute speech can range from approximately 300-390 words.

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WPM = Words Per Minute gwpm = Gross Words Per Minute

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Gross Words Per Minute Gross Words Per Minute

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Net words per minute is your total words with the error rate calculated into the result. Gross words per minute is the total words typed, without subtracting any errors.

What is the difference between words per minute and Gross words per minute?

Words per minute is the actual total number of words you have typed (including deleted words), whereas Gross words per minute is the number of words you have typed excluding the ones you typed but deleted. Does that make sense?

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150 words per minute

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