No. The smallest practical unit of information is the bit - which is what you get when you can have two choices, often called "yes/no", "true/false", or "one/zero". In theory, a byte can have different sizes, but it is normally standardized as 8 bits. It is the smallest amount of computer memory that can be directly addressed.
A byte is the smallest data unit of modern binary computers. It represents either a 1 or a 0. Bits are compiled into a set of eight bits, known as a byte. Bytes represent one piece of data, such as a single letter, etc.
ALL Computers read write store information as binary (1 and 0's) in representations of bits(smallest representation of information) and bytes (8 bits make a byte)
The term used to describe smallest possible element in computer memory is byte. Some people may say bit. But logically, that's incorrect. Each character is represented by 8 bits or 1 byte. In Unicode it is represented by 16 bits or 2 bytes.
Bit (b) and Byte (B) is entirely different. Bit is the smallest storage unit in computer science. 8 Bit (8b) = 1 Byte (1B) In normal working, when you press any key, it covers atleast 1 Byte of space. Means if you will type ABC, it will cover 3B, so that we consider byte as a smallest unit of useful data.
The smallest - is a byte.
a byte
The byte is the smallest sized information that a computer works on, for example to do math or to write text. Originally computers used bytes that were 8 binary digits (bits) but the larger the byte the more can be done with each computer step computer, so soon there were 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit etc. computers. So the size of the byte depends on the computer, and are getting larger all the time.
1 byte = 8 bits, but that doesn't matter, a byte is the smallest amount a computer can access.
a bit is 1/8th of a byte