A blank keyframe is a blank keyframe
well if you click to insert "keyframe" then you'll get a copy of the last frame you were on. say you had a flower, if you chose to "insert keyframe" on the next frame then you'd get another picture of a flower. by pressing insert "blank keyframe" you get just that, a blank keyframe. p.s. a keyframe is a frame where an action occurs
The next keyframe shortcut in Adobe After Effects is the "J" key.
The keyframe hotkey in After Effects for creating animation sequences is the "Ctrl Shift D" combination.
To create a keyframe in After Effects, first select the layer you want to animate. Then, move the playhead to the time where you want the animation to start. Finally, click on the stopwatch icon next to the property you want to animate to create a keyframe at that time.
To insert a keyframe in After Effects, first select the layer you want to animate. Then, move the playhead to the desired time in the timeline. Finally, click on the stopwatch icon next to the property you want to animate to create a keyframe at that specific time.
To create a keyframe in After Effects, first select the layer you want to animate. Then, move the playhead to the time where you want the animation to start. Finally, click on the stopwatch icon next to the property you want to animate to create a keyframe at that point in time.
to cut short
To add a keyframe in After Effects for animation effects, you can select the property you want to animate, then click the stopwatch icon next to it. This will create a keyframe at the current time. You can then adjust the property at different times and add more keyframes to create animation effects.
To insert a keyframe in Adobe After Effects, you can select the layer you want to animate, move the playhead to the desired time in the timeline, and then click on the stopwatch icon next to the property you want to animate. This will create a keyframe at that specific time, allowing you to set the initial value for the animation.
The YouTube keyframe distance is the frequency at which keyframes are placed in a video. Keyframes are important reference points for video compression and playback. A shorter keyframe distance means more keyframes, resulting in better video quality but larger file sizes. A longer keyframe distance reduces file size but can lead to lower quality, especially in fast-moving scenes. Therefore, adjusting the keyframe distance is crucial in balancing video quality and file size in video processing.