The serial number is a unique number to identify that exact laptop. It's located under the laptop or in some rare cases behind the battery.
try belarc advisor or siw free software
the answer is no
Because it's an illegal copy ! Every legal copyhas its unique serial number logged on the Windows database. Only legitimate, registered copies of Windows software will update from the Windows web-site !
Finding a laptop using the assigned serial number is impossible. Physical access is needed by use of software like LoJack.
coz i don't have serial number to actived my dfx
There should be a manufacturer label on back or side of your computer (or bottom in case of a laptop), this should have the serial number information which helps the manufacturer track information about its production and sale. Typically it will have "S/N:" before the start of serial number. It is different from the operating system license number or product key which is on computers with Microsoft Windows. However, the easiest way of finding the serial number is the following: Run Command Prompt by typing "cmd" (without the quotes) in the search bar and hitting enter. Type in the following (again, without the quotes): "wmic bios get serialnumber" Make sure there isn't a space between the words serial and number. Hit enter. It will output two lines, the first will say "SerialNumber" and the next line will have your serial number on it!
Here is the serial number of 'Adobe Creative Suit 4 Design Premium. 1326-1843-9189-9118-2077-0942
WikiAnswers does not provide serial numbers or product keys for licensed software. Attempting to do that is a violation of the license and is illegal.
On a white sticker on the back, but the sticker text is erased by letting the laptop rest on my knees! So no serial can be found!
This laptop comes with a 320GB Serial ATA Hard Drive.
Each legal copy of Windows 7 comes with its own unique serial number. The serial number matches the relevant entries in the computer's registry. If you get a copy of Windows 7 (from a friend for example) and install it on your own computer, it will display a message similar to 'This copy of Windows is not genuine. Go on-line to resolve this issue'. If you continue to use the copy - not only will you continually get reminder messages about 'going authentic' - but you are also breaking the law !
There should be a manufacturer label on back or side of your computer (or bottom in case of a laptop), this should have the serial number information which helps the manufacturer track information about its production and sale. Typically it will have "S/N:" before the start of serial number. It is different from the operating system license number or product key which is on computers with Microsoft Windows. However, the easiest way of finding the serial number is the following: Run Command Prompt by typing "cmd" (without the quotes) in the search bar and hitting enter. Type in the following (again, without the quotes): "wmic bios get serialnumber" Make sure there isn't a space between the words serial and number. Hit enter. It will output two lines, the first will say "SerialNumber" and the next line will have your serial number on it!