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importance of knowledge in expert system:1.knoledge is the enqure part of the expert system .

2.allow easy modification adding and deleting skill from the knowledge base.

3.easy modification of the knowledge base is a major factor in producing a successfull programe in expert system.

4.knowledge engineering must address a range of problem.

5.through a knowledge we create one part without effecting the other.

6.user knowledge specific to to a problem domain to provide "exper quality"performance in that application area.

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The term "expert system" refers to an artificial intelligence. An expert system is a program that has the ability to answer questions by taking knowledge on a subject and converting it to codes.

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A knowledge base is a database that contains facts provided by a human expert and rules that an expert system uses to make decisions based on those facts. The knowledge base helps the system replicate the decision-making process of the human expert.

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The knowledge base, which stores expert knowledge and rules; the inference engine, which processes information and draws conclusions; and the user interface, which allows interaction between the system and the user.

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Usually, yes they are. An Knowledge base system is used to sort out a ll database of knowledge by asking a series of simply question to get the answer you need. An expert system operates basically the same way.The only difference might be in that an expert system tends to be a little smarter and anticipate the answer by software routines that will reject sections of knowledge you dont' need - while a knowledge base system can do that - but is normally not more than a Search engine that tries to narrow done your possible choices until you arrive at the one good answer..

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When did Expert Common Knowledge happen?

Expert Common Knowledge happened in 1992.

When was Expert Common Knowledge created?

Expert Common Knowledge was created in 1992.