No. While a CPU is an example of a microprocessor, many microprocessors are not CPUs, but perform other tasks to aid the CPU. An example would be the GPU of a video card, or the DSP (Digital signal processor) of a modem or sound card.
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DSP Group was created in 1987.
SPIRIT DSP was created in 1992.
The population of DSP Group is 2,009.
Your computer's sound card controls the sound coming out of your speakers. When your sound card is damaged, your sound will be distorted.
A DSP processor is otherwise known as a digital signal processor, whose role is to convert analogue signals by reading them by measuring, filtering and compressing them. This stream of features are known as algorithms, when mathematical operations have to be quickly performed.
Soundtech sells a range of high-quality Match PP 86 DSP. MATCH Extension Card slot (MEC) for additional input/output modules like Bluetooth® Audio Streaming.
Product branding.
The purpose of a sound card on a computer is for sound to be output through speakers or headphones. The sound card works by converting digital data to sound.
You cannot play any sound without a sound card.
DSP stands for D S Prabhudas.