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The central processing unit (CPU) is plugged into the motherboard. Everything else in the computer is directly or indirectly plugged into the motherboard. There are expansion boards, for instance, which have all kinds of processors on them, but they are plugged into the motherboard meaning it is the base board that everything ultimately connects to, like the foundation of a house.

This creates a connection from everything to the CPU. This is necessary because the CPU, like the motherboard, is central to the control of the computer as a whole. It ultimately controls the lowest level functions of the operating system and actually controls most things that happen in a computer. Actually, more than saying control, it is most of the work of the computer. It does the numeric operations that are what a computer, for the most part, does.

CPU = brains, motherboard = connections to the periphery

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The Central Processing Unit and the main memory (Random Access Memory) are separate parts of the computer, but they are closely associated. The CPU executes instructions, and the RAM stores instructions or data for the amount of time it takes for the CPU to complete the instructions.

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I don't know the answer ....................................................................................................................







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no such relation

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Q: What is the relationship between a processor and a motherboard?
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