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The PATH environment variable is the default search path(s) for when an explicit path is not provided and the file requested is not in the current directory.

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Q: What is the purpose of path environment variable in the windows command CMD.EXE shell environment?
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Percent signs surrounding a word represent an "environment variable". There are many command-line based applications and scripts that need to account for differences in file locations, system architecture, etc. SYSTEMROOT is such a variable, and is automatically maintained by Windows. It is commonly used in the Windows Registry to point to the correct location of items stored in the directory where Windows is stored, which defaults to C:\Windows\ (the system's root directory).

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The Android SDK requires that you add the following environment variable: ANDROID_HOME = <installation location>\android-sdk-windows This is used to determine where the SDK can be found. In addition, it is recommended you also add the tools and platform-tools sub-folders to your PATH: PATH = <existing path>;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools Note how the path makes use of the ANDROID_HOME environment variable. With these variables in place, you can more easily execute the commands contained therein without specifying the path to those commands.

What is path variable and what is its use?

The path (or PATH) variable is a shell environment variable. It describes to the shell which directories should be searched for executable files/programs. The system does not search every directory to find a program; only those directories indicated in the PATH shell environment variable. The same thing is true for Windows.

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SystemDrive is an environment variable in Windows that typically represents the drive on which the Windows operating system is installed (usually C:). It is used by the operating system to locate system files and directories.

What is javaw?

javaw.exe is the java runtime environment process. If you run a java application(usually a .jar file .class file) there are 2 main ways of doing this. 1 is by using the command 'java' which will show a command prompt window. The other is using the 'javaw' command which wont show a command promps windows. It will, however, show error windows when a appication is damaged.

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There isn't one. By the time the Command Prompt is available, Windows has already loaded.

What is the equivalent of grep command in windows?

Windows does not have such command. Windows command line is extremely limited. If you want more advanced functionality install cygwin-bash or Microsoft PowerShell

What is RE commands bootrec fix book?

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