Integrated cicuits, or IC's are manufactered for many different purposes such as as amplifiers, switches, or for tuning in specific radio or TV channels. An integrated circuit is a miniature electronic device containing many interconnected circuit elements formed on a tiny silicon semiconductor chip. Before integrated circuits were invented, individual electrical components were connected by soldering together the wires attached to them. These components were hundreds of times larger than the electronic elements formed on an IC, and older electronic devices used to be considerably larger and less reliable than they are now.
An intergrated circuit is basically a computer chip
The circuit breaker for the headlights is intergrated with the headlight switch.
in what year was the integrated circuit developed?
Intergrated Circuit
intergrated circuit
The headlight circuit breaker is intergrated with the headlight switch.
The circuit breaker for the headlights is intergrated with the headlight switch.
i think this is a microchip
Small Outline Intergrated Circuit
Its the intergrated circuit inside the flash memory stick that stores the files.
sears intergrated circuts by silvertone