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Q: What is the purpose of Switch in Linux?
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What is the purpose of Ubuntu in Linux?

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution (as in a specific OS setup with the Linux kernel.)

Should business and personal PC users switch to Linux?

It would depend on what the user/business is going to be using the machine for. For example, using a Linux machine for the sole purpose of playing AAA titles is not th best idea at the moment. You could use a Linux/Microsoft Office combo if you know how to get it working.

How do you fix catastrophic failure 0x8000FFFF?

Switch to Linux.

Can android be replaced with Linux?

Android is a Linux based operating system means you are already running Linux over your smart device ! And you can switch Android with some other Linux version !

What is the purpose of a virtual machine running Linux?

The use of a Linux Virtual Machine is to run a copy of Linux on your current operation system. This will allow you to run various applications that only run on Linux.

What is the best Linux distro for a new Linux user?

Kernel, but I guess when you will learn, you will have to switch (Ubuntu for programmers and gamers and Kali Linux for penetration testers and hackers)

What does su command in Linux give you?

It allows you to switch users.

What is the purpose of the Linux login shell?

To log into the system.

What is the purpose of a man page in Linux?

The purpose of a man page is to display instructions for the usage of a program.

What is Linux's target market?

Linux does not have a target market. It is designed to be easily adapted to whatever purpose a person or company needs.

Why are the windows on 2000 Nissan Sentra GXE not working?

Reboot or switch to Linux.

What do the su command stand for in Linux?

su = switch user RTFM, Luke...