CMR cable is Communications Riser cable. It is used in risers or shafts from floor to floor and only a riser or plenum (CMP) cable may be used for that purpose. Though CMP can be used in lieu of CMR, you cannot use CMR in a plenum space. CMR and CMP are fire resistance classifications. CM is for general purpose that may be used elsewhere not requiring special fire code considerations.
Basically, an aircraft flies, a hovercraft doesn't. An aircraft relies on aerodynamic lift, a hovercraft is "lifted" by a cushion of pressurised air trapped in the plenum chamber.
The manifold gasket is the same as the plenum gasket. The manifold gasket is a barrier between the manifold and the engine block.
The BDA is mounted to the top of the plenum between the plenum and the duct work just behind the glove box
Starter is located underneath plenum.
Plenum rated cabling is required when used in an open ceiling return air environment. That is when the return air for the hvac units use the space between the ceiling of the first floor and the floor of the second floor as a return air plenum. The way to tell is if the return air vent has a duct attached to it. The duct will run to the air conditioning air handler. This condition IS NOT a plenum rated ceiling. However, if the return air vent does not have a duct, that means the air conditioning air handler is using the air space between floors as a plenum. This condition requires the use of plenum rated cabling. If plenum rated cable is exposed to flame, it does not give off toxic gases as it melts.
The plenum is the intake manifold.
Cat6 is the current standard for new installations of ethernet cable. Depending on the space and certain building codes you need to decide between Plenum (CMP) or Riser (CMR). The difference being Riser cable is more durable, but puts out toxic fumes when caught on fire, so it is not suitable for spaces with open air flow. Dropped ceilings are generally considered Plenum spaces so therefore require plenum cable.
Its an air collecting box. And it is used for clubbing two units together or reducing the sound level of air flow Eng'r. Mostafa Al Wakeel Plenum boxes are often the most effective way of connecting terminals to ducting, and with the superb range available from HVC, why not find out more about our plenum boxes? Plenum boxes provide the connection between grilles and diffusers, and the appropriate ductwork either extracting or supplying air. Essentially plenum boxes are just as important as both the grille and ducting. Fixing lugs for fitting into a drop rod ceiling can be factory fitted, and normally the plenum will be fixed by an appropriate method to the grille or diffuser neck. plenum chamber An enclosed space in which a plenum condition exists; air is forced into it for slow distribution through ducts.
Plenum Press. has written: 'Marine science'
Plenum is another name for the upper intake manifold.
If your are refering to the plenum being a large box say for air mixing the answer is no. you should have filter in return side however be sure you have access.