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Q: What is the pre shared key for WLAN?
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What is the advantage of using WPA to secure a wireless network?

It uses a 128-bit pre-shared hexadecimal key to prevent unauthorized wireless access.

Which encryption protocol uses pre-shared keys to authenticate users pre- shared keys to authenticate users?


Differences between the stand alone environment and a network?

A stand alone environment has no network hooked up to a computer, therefore, no internet. A network (either LAN, WLAN, or WAN) allows data to be shared amoungst computers. The Internet is a WAN network, the one in your home a LAN, and a network shared amoungst several skyscrapers would be a WLAN.

What are the two best practices that are used when configuring a home WLAN?

Because it's so important, I'll give you more than two. ABSOLUTELY change the default SSID ABSOLUTELY hide the SSID (the wireless network name) ABSOLUTELY change the default administrator password. Turn on MAC filtering Implement encryption such as WEP or WPA (WPA or WPA2 is more secure) Use a pre-shared key.

What is the difference between using open authentication and pre-shared keys?

Open authentication requires a password. Pre-shared keys do not require a password.

Which WLAN security protocol generates a new dynamic key each time a client establishes a connection with the AP?


What are the key characteristics shared by all gymnodperms?

A key characteristic shared by all gymnosperms is the fact that they all make seeds. Another shared characteristic is that they do not make flowers.

What does WLAN stand for?

WLAN = wireless local area network

When was Wlan slovenija created?

Wlan slovenija was created in 2009.

Advantages of LAN or WLAN?

LAN is wired WLAN is wireless