What is a normal liver alt level?
Normal ALT (alanine aminotransferase) levels in the blood are typically between 7 to 56 units per liter. Elevated ALT levels may indicate liver damage or disease. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for interpretation of ALT levels in the context of an individual's overall health.
probably bone related
what is the normal early morning sugar reading
reference range of ALT is <40 u/l reference range of AST is <35 u/l
On the Roblox forums most of the alt codes are disabled. You can, however, try typing in the alt code like normal to see if it works. If an alt code is disabled it will simply appear as a hollow box.
my blood sugar reading was 78 is that normal
ALT and AST Normal or slightly increased
ALT and AST Normal to moderately increased
A normal reading can depend on the context, but generally speaking, a normal reading refers to values within a typical or healthy range for a given measurement or test. It typically indicates that everything is functioning as expected or within established norms.
No! 257 is not normal! 100 to90 is normal
no, its not normal