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Q: What is the nictitating membrane in a rat?
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What membrane covers the eye of a frog?

The nictitating membrane is the transparent layer the covers the outside of a frogs eye. Frogs have a so-called Nictitating membrane, which they can slide over their eyes for protection. They do this while jumping and swimming.

Is Nictitating membrane hereditory?

The membrane is. SOME problems with it are too.

What is the membrane over the fetal pig eye called?

The nictitating membrane.

Name of the translucent eyelid that owls have?

Nictitating membrane

What is a horses third eyelid called?

Nictitating Membrane

Where is the nictitating membrane located?

depends on the species.

Where is the location of a nictitating membrane of frog?

The nictitating membrane of a frog is located on the eye. It is a translucent inner eyelid that moves horizontally across the eye to provide protection and moisture.

What are the extra membranes in reptiles?

It's called the Nictitating membrane

What is Feline second eyelid called?

The feline second eyelid is called the third eyelid or nictitating membrane. It is a thin, protective covering that moves across the eye horizontally to help protect and moisten the eye.

How does a tree frog protect its EYES?

With the nictitating membrane, which keeps it moist

What is the transparent eyelid of a frog called?

The transparent eyelid of a frog is called a nictitating membrane. It helps protect the frog's eye while maintaining visibility and allowing the frog to see underwater.

What color is the nictitating membrane?

The color of the nictitating membrane, also known as the third eyelid, varies among different species. In many animals, it can range from translucent to white or pinkish in color.