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Dotted Decimal

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Q: What is the name for the decimal representation of the binary IP address called?
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What is a decimal called that stops at a particular place?

A terminating decimal representation.

A decimal that can be written into a fraction is called?

The decimal representation of a rational number.

What is a non-repeating decimal called?

It could either be a terminating decimal or the decimal representation of an irrational number.

What is a non terminating decimal called?

Some non-terminating decimals are repeating decimals.

What is A number that can be written as a fraction of two integers is called a number. It has a decimal representation that terminates or repeats.?


How are real numbers expressed in binary?

The same as real numbers are expressed in decimal, except only the digits 0 and 1 are used (instead of 0 to 9) and the separator between the integer and fraction part is called the binary point (instead of the decimal point). The sign if needed is the same as in decimal.

What is the full entire method for pie or 3.14?

First of all, it is pi and not pie. Pi is an irrational number (in fact it is a special kind of irrational, called a transcendental) and so it has an infinitely long, non-recurring representation. This is true not only in its decimal or binary representation but in any base - other than pi itself. The value of pi has been calculated to over 10 trillion digits.

a number that can be written as a fraction of two integers is called a ___ number. It has a decimal representation that terminates or repeats?

any rational number :)))

What is the numerical representation of informationusing ones and zeros?

The system of representing numbers with a system of ones and zeros is called binary code; examples would be...12 = 110015 = 111120 = 10100 and so on.

Was binary stands for binary digits?

No, binary is a number system.A binary digit is called a bit.

Classes of IP?

There are 4 Classes of ip Class A : 0-126 Class B : 128-191 Class C : 191-224 Class D : 224-239 Class E : 240-255 Note : The ip 127 is dedicated for Loopback testing and cannot be assigned to a network

What do you call a 1or 0 used in the representation of computer data?

The series of 1's and 0's are called Binary code... if you want to know the name of each individual digit, they are referred to as bits. So when people say 8bit, it stands for 8 digits of binary.