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Q: What is the minimum number of operational navstar satellites required for the space segment of gps?
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What is the minimum number of operationsl navstar satellites required for the space segment of gps?

A minimum of 24 operational Navstar satellites are required for the GPS system to work effectively. These satellites are strategically positioned in orbit to ensure global coverage and accurate positioning for GPS receivers on Earth.

What is the minimum number of operational NAVSTAR staellites required for the space segment of GPS?


What is the minimum number of operation navstar satellites required for the space segment of the gps?


What is the minimal number of operational Navstar required for the space segment of GPS?

The Air Force tries to maintain 30 working satellites, 24 operational and 6 spares. The system can work with 24 operational satellites only.

What are two names of satellites?

GPS IIA-1 NAVSTAR 1 (Both GPS satellites)

What service relies upon timely signals from 24 NAVSTAR satellites?


When was the gps navstar first launched?

The first GPS Navstar satellite was launched on February 22, 1978. This was the beginning of the GPS system, which has now grown to include a constellation of over 30 satellites providing global positioning and navigation services.

What actors and actresses appeared in Killer Shorts - 2009?

The cast of Killer Shorts - 2009 includes: Michele Brito as Observer (segment "Navstar") Karl Brito as Observer (segment "Navstar") Nichole Buck as Gwen (segment "Puncture") Marcie Copass as The Girl Walker (segment "Last Rendezvous") Crystal Gravins as Observer (segment "Navstar") Isaac Harrell as Dead Body (segment "Puncture") Delmon Jenkins as Observer (segment "Navstar") Mallory Lafever as Little Monkey (segment "Last Rendezvous") Sarah Lawrentz as Valerie (segment "Navstar") Kayla Perkins as Mya (segment "Navstar") Samantha Rogers as MaKayla (segment "Navstar") Christina Rowland as Epilogue girl (segment "Navstar") Glenda Stewart as Dead Body (segment "Puncture") Chet Williams as Rubin (segment "Last Rendezvous")

What is the full form of navstar?

The full form of NAVSTAR is Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging. It is a system of satellites developed by the United States for providing accurate positioning and timing information globally.

Who makes the ford engine for ford diesel trucks?

Navstar International Harvester

How big are GPS satellites?

24 active with 6 spares.

What is the different types of natural satellite?

There are two main types of natural satellites - regular satellites, which orbit in a fixed path around their planet, and irregular satellites, which have more eccentric and inclined orbits. Regular satellites are typically larger and closer to their planet, while irregular satellites tend to be smaller and more distant.