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Q: What is the medium in doing Bonifacio Monument sculpture?
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Does copyright protect what you are doing?

If you are creating original things--music, sculpture, poetry, photographs--your work is automatically protected by copyright as soon as it is fixed in a tangible medium.

Where can you find the monkey sculpture in Mafia Wars?

You can find the Monkey Sculpture by doing any of the jobs in the Soldier Job Tier.

What is Nicki minaj doing on the ice sculpture in super bass?

dancing on it

How does one make a sculpture out of chocolate birthday cake?

You can make a sculpture out of chocolate birthday cake, by doing a design on paper first, then you know what you have to and where you have to do it.

What job do you get a dragon sculpture in in Mafia Wars?

You can get the Dragon Sculpture by doing any job in the Soldier Tier. You'll have to do them many times to get more than one.

How do you get Monkey Sculpture on Mafia Wars?

You can receive the monkey sculpture by doing jobs under the Soldier tier or you can ask one of your mafia members to send it to you as a gift.

Where is Suicune's monument in Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs?

Suicune's monument is in Canal Ruins. However, if you are doing the quest from Weber, the other monuments are in Daybreak Ruins and Rasp Cavern. However, for Raikou's Monument, you have to get a fragment from someone at the top of Mt. Layuda.

Where do you get rooster sculpture in mafia war?

There is no specific job to get it. You just have to keep doing jobs in Soldier tier until you get it :(

How do you get a rooster sculpture in Mafia Wars?

all sculptures are random loot drops....achieved by doing jobs on the SOLDIER tier.

What does a police officer do to deserve a monument?

They usually have to do something heroic. . . and die doing it. They save lives, help against disaster, or protect members of the public or other police officers.

What is the stress level for video game designers?

Medium because you are doing something you love, but you have a certain time to turn it in by. ;p

What is sculpture and architecture?

Sculpture can probably be defined many ways, but in order for something to be considered architecture - it has to be habitable. To say something is habitable typically means it can be maintained at a comfortable temperature and humidity, provide lighting levels needed, can withstand the forces of nature without collapsing (to a reasonable extent), and many other issues. A building can be described as sculptural, but sculpture isn't architecture.