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In mathematics, null mean zero value.


In mathematics, the null set is the set without any members that is contained in every set.

In computing, null is used in some languages to mean 'no value'-in particular, not zero, not true and not false. (See, for example, SQL or PHP.)

In statistics, the word 'null' is most often used in the term 'null hypothesis'. Usually a null hypothesis is a statement claiming that a population parameter of interest equals a certain value. Then the alternative hypothesis might be that the parameter assumes values other than that given value.

Perhaps it may be said that the word null has various meanings, depending on context.

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13y ago

its just an programming error, null definition in Programming is to represent the thing referred to by an uninitialised pointer.

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What is the difference between null in c and in oracle?

A NULL in C is a pointer with 0 value, which cannot be a valid address. A null in Oracle is the condition of not having a value, such as a field in a row being null, meaning that it does not have a value. This is not the same as zero - zero and null are two different things. Note, however, that Oracle does not differentiate between a null and a zero length string. This was an error in non-ANSI implementation made many years ago, but it has persisted because fixing it would impact too much "running" code.

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"NULL" is usually pronounced as "null" (rhymes with "mull").

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What is is null?

main(){ char str[5]="hello"; if(str==NULL) printf("string null"); else printf("string not null"); }