The history of hard disk is that, hard disk is invented in 1950's that time hard disk size is 20 inche's maximum the name of hard disk inventer is "REY JOHNSON" by the help of IBM team. ""BILAWAL ABBAS""
The typical storage size for a hard disk is 160GB. A hard disk that has 160 gigabytes of space can allow the computer users to store music, videos, documents and photos without straining the computer.
your hard disk is accessed at 6 Gigabytes per second, and is a size of 620 Gigabytes.
Hard disk is a secondary and permanent memory of your computer. It will store your OS, documents and everything. It is large in size but slower when compared to RAM.
depends on the hard disk and the size of the file--if your looking for a new hard disk, check what the rpm's are the more rpm's the faster your hard disk is
Hard drives for windows and OSX vary in size and model, check or ask about your computer brand. You can also check in My Computer (for Windows) or Macintosh Disk (for Mac OSX).
Linux is not limited in and of itself as to the size of it's hard disk. However, the file systems it uses all have different maximum capacities. ext3 - 32 TB ReiserFS - 16 TB XFS - 1 PB JFS - 16 TBs FAT32 - 1 TB. Since a hard drive can be divided into more than one partition, there is no real limit as to how large of one you can use.
Yes, a hard disk is much greater than a CD.
when you open the programmes on computer it have to load the data from hard disk to ram,if ram has low memory size it get uncontrolled situation for some time then our systems get struk.
The size the virtual memory is determined by the size of the page file which saved in your hard disk. Virtual memory only uses the hard disk.