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Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) vs. Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC).

(1) CISC computers typically require more than one clock cycle to execute a given instruction

(2) RISC computers typically require only one clock cycle to execute a given instruction

That said, a CISC "opcode" can often perform more than a RISC "opcode". This results in much shorter code for CISC machines which is much easier to read and maintain. That said, CISC computers often have "dead cycles" in which the processor isn't doing anything useful, or is performing a redundant command.

As an example, if one tries to do a MULT memoryLoc1, memoryLoc2, register followed by an ADD memoryLoc1, memoryLoc2, anotherRegister, then a CISC machine must access main memory (or cache) 4 times and perform 2 computations and two moves from the ALU to a register. A RISC machine (while requiring more, but simpler, instructions) would never need to go out to memory for the additional 2 times since the information was already retrieved. Memory access can be a very time expensive operation.

All in all, RISC code is much more optimize-able and significant performance improvements can be realized over CISC.

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Q: What is the main difference between RISC and CISC in computer architecture?
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Can you give me three examples of RISCreduce instruction set computer?

good example for RISC processors is DSP (Digital signal processing) processors. simillarly for cisc processors is microprocessor.we can understand the difference between these two by a simple example. here it is, Convolution in terms of DSP is nothing but continuous multiplication. cisc processor performs multiplication by continious addition.but risc processor perform continious multiplication in a single pipeline architecture.

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Because that's how Intel designed it.

What do RISC and CISC stand for?

CISC: Complex Instruction Set ComputerRISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer

What is the difference between CISC and RISC?

RISC : Reduced Instruction Set Computer. A RISC system has a reduced number of instructions (making it easier to implement efficient optimizing compilers) and more importantly it is load store architecture where pipelining can be implemented easily. e.g. IBM PowerPC, ARM, Intel i960CISC : Complex Instruction Set Computer. A CISC system has complex instructions (making it easier for a human to directly program in assembly language) such as direct addition between data in two memory locations. e.g. Intel Pentium (x86), DEC MicroVAX, Motorola 680x0

What is the acronym CISC?

Complex Instruction Set Computer.

How does a R.I.S.C processor differ?

The term RISC means Reduced Instruction Set Computer, as opposed to CISC, which is Complex Instruction Set Computer. The RISC processor is different from the CISC process between it has far fewer instructions, but it executes them much faster, because of its simpler internal design.

Explian four major type of computer architecture?

Von Neumann architecture: This type of architecture has a single memory for data and instructions, and uses a single bus for communication. The CPU transparently fetches instructions and processes data in a sequential manner. Harvard architecture: Harvard architecture uses separate memory spaces for instructions and data, allowing simultaneous access to both. This type of architecture improves performance as it can fetch instructions and data simultaneously. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing): RISC architecture uses a small set of simple instructions that can be executed in a single clock cycle, resulting in faster processing speed. It focuses on simplicity and efficiency in instruction execution. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing): CISC architecture utilizes complex instructions that can perform multiple operations, aiming to reduce the number of instructions executed. This architecture is designed to support a wide range of operations in a single instruction.

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