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Q: What is the largest degrees of scoliosis?
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What does scoliosis do to elder people?

If elderly people have scoliosis they wont die unless there scoliosis is 50 to 60 degrees or more then it might cause breathing problems.

Can you get surgery for Scoliosis?

yes, if it is about 50 degrees or more

Is it dangerous tp have dextro scoliosis and levoscoliosis?

I have dextro scoliosis and levoscoliosis and curvature is more than 50 degrees

Should you Get a scoliosis brace or sergury?

It really depends on how bad the scoliosis is and what your doctor recommends. If you have between 15 and 20 degrees it won't be much of a problem but if its from 20 to 35 degrees of an angle, you might meed a brace, and if there is anymore of a curve you would need to consider surgery.

Percentage of Americans get scoliosis?

Mild scoliosis is very common, but worse cases are less likely, so it depends. Approximately 2-3% of Americans have curvatures over 10 degrees, but many more have a curvature under 10 degrees that do not require medical attention and do not progress.

Is a 90 degree angle in scoliosis bad and is it considered a disability?

Yes it is quite severe. Anything over 70 degrees is considered severe scoliosis. And yes it is considered a disability, especially if it keeps you from working.

Can you be in the military with scoliosis?

I think that would depend on the level of your scoliosis and whether or not it affects your physical health or the safety of others while out in the field. I applied for the army years ago and I was turned down because of my scoliosis surgery

Does scoliosis ever go away or not?

I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 11 and went to the doctor every 6 months. When I was 13 I was told that the curve was only 8. If the curve is 10 degrees and under then you are OK and your scoliosis has basically gone away. So to answer your question scoliosis does go away.

Can you join the navy if you have scoliossis?

Medical disqualification depends entirely on the degree of curvature. The disqualification standard reads that cause for rejection concerning spinal issues includes: There is lumbar scoliosis greater than 20 degrees, thoracic scoliosis greater than 30 degrees, and kyphosis or lordosis greater than 55 degrees when measured by the Cobb method.

What is mild levoconvex scoliosis in the thoracic spine measuring 10 degrees?

It is mild. It might look somthing like this - /

Does Scoliosis go away?

I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 11 and went to the doctor every 6 months. When I was 13 I was told that the curve was only 8. If the curve is 10 degrees and under then you are OK and your scoliosis has basically gone away. So to answer your question scoliosis does go away.

Can you be a navy seal with mild scoliosis?

You can join the navy S.E.A.Ls with scoliosis if the curve is less than 28 degrees.