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Well, jeeze. Science is probably the most important thing in everyday life... along with maths. Science gives us technology. Technology gives us telephones, iPod, computers, clocks... and so much more. Science gives us medicine. Medicine has increased our life expectancy, and improved our overall state of living. Science has let as look to space as more than just a bunch of dots in the sky. Science has given us so much, it would be nearly impossible to put down on paper everything we have accomplished wih science.

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They are important because without it the world wouldn't be able to type now these days. Back in the days, they didn't have technology anyway so;therefore, we would be just like them

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Q: What is the importants of science in every day life?
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Science in everyday life?

Science is part of every day tasks. For example, whether you answer your phone, drive to work, ride a bike, make a meal, etc. - It's all a part of science.

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Absolutely. The best teachers will give you every day examples of science at work.

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3 words: every, day, life

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