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Q: What is the importance of the TTL value when you ping a URL and what does it mean?
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Why the ttl change in the same ping?

The TTL (Time to Live) value in a ping packet decreases by 1 each time it passes through a router. This helps prevent packets from circulating endlessly in a network. When a TTL reaches 0, the router discards the packet and sends an ICMP Time Exceeded message.

What it the fullform of TTL in ping utility?

The full form of TTL is Time To Live

Why when you ping a host in a LAN the TTL value is 128 but if you ping a host in another network the TTL value decreases from 255 to 254 my question is why the TTL value is 128?

The TTL or Time To Live is a value used to make packets eventually die, so they don't end up in infinite loops, clogging the network over time. Certain network devices decrement this value (routers mainly) by one as they process it. When the TTL reaches zero, the packet is discarded. Each Operating System implements its TCP/IP stack differently and starts packets off with the TTL of their choosing (the default TTL of the stack can be changed, but rarely is). Windows is 128 Linux is 64 Cisco is 256 So if your TTL is around 128 (remember the TTL gets decremented by certain devices) you are PROBABLY pinging a windows box. If it's near 256, probably Cisco etc. You can't rely on this information because other network devices can rewrite the TTL in a packet, but it's a decent indication of the OS on the other end, especially if it's a box you own and you aren't going through firewalls etc.

What is the importance of TTL compatibility?

the ttl compatability is nothing but the time to live factor of a packet in the dns system

What is the value of ttl set to in Tunnel mode for IPSec?

TTL is set to 40

What is mean of ping and what is mean of ttl and times?

Ping is a small tool that you can find in a command prompt of any windows machine. It is invaluable when it comes to networks and networking. If there is any one tool you couldn't work without, its ping. So what does it do. It sends a message to a computer anywhere on the network/internet, and if the computer is connected you will get a response. If the computer is not connected to the network/internet you wont get a response. TTL is its 'Time to live'. Say there is a computer on the other side of the network. For the ping to reach it, it might have to go through a router, then through a server and then onto another router and then it gets to the destination. If this is the case it needs 4 hops, one hop for each previously mentioned device. Now if i say i only want the TTL to be 3. That means it will only get to the third hop and that's it. If I say I want the TTL to be 6 then it will get there- because it only takes 4 hops to get to the machine. Usually for most users, you'd be better off leaving the TTL field alone.

What is value of propagation delay of TTL logic?

it is in micro seconds

What does TTL expenses mean?

Answer:Most likely 'TTL expenses' means 'Total expenses'. 'Total' has the highest score for the abbreviations that 'TTL' could mean (see link). Since you are probably dealing with accountants, it could also mean 'Time To Laugh'. ;)

What is PTR record?

A PTR record is essentially the opposite of an A record. A records resolve names to IP addresses. PTR records resolve IP addresses to names. A record = give me a name I'll give you an IP PTR record = give me an IP I'll give you a name Try it out in windows: ping "" Here is what I got: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F:\>ping Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=53 Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=53 Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=53 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=53 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- now do a "ping -a IP-ADDRESS" which will spit you back the name attached to that IP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F:\>ping -a Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=53 Reply from bytes=32 time=88ms TTL=53 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=53 Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=53 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms, Maximum = 88ms, Average = 41ms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your accessing PTR records to do this. ... and just so you beileve me try a "ping" and check the results FYI: if your doing a ping -a to an intranet host you need to configure reverse lookup for it to work properly.

What is the maximum TTL value that is used to reach the destination wwwciscocom?


Which network device decrement ttl value?

I believe the router.

How does ttl shutdown work?

TTL (Time To Live) shutdown is a feature that automatically terminates a connection if the TTL value (which represents the maximum number of hops a packet can traverse) expires. This helps prevent indefinite looping or other issues that can occur if a packet does not reach its destination. Once the TTL value reaches 0, the connection is forcibly closed to ensure network stability and security.