What is halfway point from Modesto, CA to Fort Meyers, FL
Gold Run, CA
Velarde, NM is the halfway point.
Rochester, CA is a halfway point between LA and Victorville.
The halfway point between Kingman, AZ and Sacramento, CA falls in or around Keene, CA.
The city that is the halfway point between Downey, California and San Francisco, California is Acebedo, California. It is the exact geographical halfway point.
Modesto is about 450 miles north of Oceanside.
Acebedo, CA is the halfway point.
One halfway point between Sacramento Executive Airport and Oakland, CA is Meins Landing, CA.
Modesto is about 87 miles from San Jose.
Plotting a median point between two locations is difficult because of the fact there are so many routes you could possibly take.However, If you were to drive south through Oregon, continue through California, then straight shoot over to Phoenix. The median would be about 610 miles, which places you in Modesto California.