The distance between Lexington, South Carolina and McDonough, Georgia is 194.8 miles. Assuming you drive a car at an average rate of 65 mph, you will arrive in McDonough, Georgia about 3 hrs after leaving Lexington, SC.
McDonough, Georgia.
The driving distance from Atlanta, Georgia to Lexington, North Carolina is 300 miles.
Midland is the halfway point between Lexington South Carolina and Bennettsville.
Between Georgia and what??? Between Georgia and Florida is well, nothing - they touch each other. Between Georgia and North Carolina is South Carolina. Between Georgia and Mississippi is Alabama.
South Carolina is located between North Carolina and Georgia.
474 miles.
Georgia and South Carolina.
South Carolina and the Atlantic Ocean border the eastern side of Georgia. The Savannah River forms the border between Georgia and South Carolina.
North Carolina and South Carolina are between Georgia and Virginia and border the Atlantic Ocean as well.
The distance between Lexington-Fayette, KY, and Macon, GA, is 450 miles and will take about 7 Hours of driving time.