There are a couple of different ways you could find it. First, you could use an online mapping tool and estimate where the middle is. Second, you could use an online tool like that allows you to put in two addresses and a point of interest and it will give you the midpoint as well as the points of interests you requested. Hope that s helpful!
The city that is halfway between Greenville, South Carolina and Miami, Florida is Jacksonville, Florida. There is 734 miles between Greenville and Miami.
The halfway point between Bartow, Florida and Greenville, South Carolina falls in Townsend, Georgia.
The halfway point between Atlanta, Georgia and Beaufort, South Carolina is Rockledge, Georgia.
Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, is about 125 miles south of Tennessee. It's about midway between Alabama and South Carolina.
506 miles
The driving distance between Oxford North Carolina and Atlanta Georgia is 410 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 6 hours and 25 minutes.
The driving distance from Sumter, South Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia is about 262 miles.
The driving distance from Atlanta, Georgia to Lexington, North Carolina is 300 miles.
348 miles (straight line).
Between Georgia and what??? Between Georgia and Florida is well, nothing - they touch each other. Between Georgia and North Carolina is South Carolina. Between Georgia and Mississippi is Alabama.
The distance between Cincinnati, Ohio and Greenville, South Carolina is 315 car miles.
Interstate-20 can be used as a connector between Aiken, SC and Atlanta, GA.
greensboro, nc