eyes ears whiskers
His/ Her nose. That is why you see their whiskers moving; they are sniffing.
A whisker can also be called a vibrissa, the plural of which is vibrissae.
Lions have whiskers so they can feel things around them and so they can balance.
the e whiskers are used as sensors .it can use it to detect climate change.
Openings for the rat to breath in and out.
Samuel Whiskers the rat, and his wife Anna Maria.
The black whiskers on an orange cat serve an important sensory function. Whiskers are highly sensitive and help cats navigate their surroundings, detect changes in the environment, and determine the size of objects. The color of the whiskers does not affect their function, but they are typically black to provide contrast against the cat's fur for better visibility.
Rats need their whiskers to balance when jumping, as they can line them up and judge how much force to use in a jump They also need them as rats eyesight isn't particularly good and so the often stay close to the edges of rooms and objects, using their whiskers to help them feel where they are going.
both mammals,furry,four legged,whiskers,breed quickly.