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The whiskers indicate the width that rat can go when entering an opening, just like a cat or a lion.

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Q: What is the function of the whiskers of the rat?
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What are four sensory structures of a rat?

eyes ears whiskers

What body parts does a rat use to smell?

His/ Her nose. That is why you see their whiskers moving; they are sniffing.

What is another name for a rat's whiskers?

A whisker can also be called a vibrissa, the plural of which is vibrissae.

What is the function of lions having whiskers?

Lions have whiskers so they can feel things around them and so they can balance.

What is the function of a whiskers which is a part of an animal body?

the e whiskers are used as sensors .it can use it to detect climate change.

Who put Tom Kitten in a roly poly pudding?

Samuel Whiskers the rat, and his wife Anna Maria.

What is the function of the nostrils of a rat?

Openings for the rat to breath in and out.

What is rat's whiskers?

Rats need their whiskers to balance when jumping, as they can line them up and judge how much force to use in a jump They also need them as rats eyesight isn't particularly good and so the often stay close to the edges of rooms and objects, using their whiskers to help them feel where they are going.

What are the similarities of rabbit and rat?

both mammals,furry,four legged,whiskers,breed quickly.

Do cats really balance with their whiskers?

Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark. A cats tail also helps them balance, my cat had lost his tail do to an injury and now he uses his whiskers more to help balance. Even though Issacc lost his tail his balance is as good as ever, they adapt. Whiskers on all animals help them move threw the dark, a good example is a rat, a rat stays close to the wall when running around in the dark and his whiskers make this possible. The whiskers feel along the base of the wall and the animals can make judgment calls extremely fast to tell them to turn, stop, or whatever the case may be.