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FAT is a file system used by MS-DOS and other Windows-based operating systems to organize and manage files. The file allocation table (FAT) is a data structure that Windows creates when you format a volume by using the FAT or FAT32 file systems. Windows stores information about each file in the FAT so that it can retrieve the file later.

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File Allocation Table

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FAT = File Allocation Table.

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File Allocation Table.

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Q: What is the full form of FAT in terms of Computers?
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What is the full form of FAT?

FAT - FAT32 - File Allocation Table

What is the full form of NFAT?

The full and sophisticated name for NFAT is Not Fat At Tennis.

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Factory Acceptance Testing

What is the full form of FAT file system?

file allocation table

What is the following roots or combining forms is associated with fat?

The root or combining form associated with fat is "adipo-" or "lipo-". These terms are commonly used in medical terminology to refer to fat tissue or fat-related conditions.

When was Full Fat created?

Full Fat was created in 1996.

When was Full Fat - EP - created?

Full Fat - EP - was created in 2006.

What are the various types of yogurts?

There are a lot of types of yogurts based on flavor, fat content, sugar content, brand and method of production. In terms of flavor, they can come in a variety of fruit flavors. Yogurt can be full fat, low fat or nonfat. It can have full sugar or no sugar. There is "regular" yogurt and Greek style yogurt, depending on how the yogurt is strained.

What fat will keep you full the longest?

Trans Fat