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Hertz is cycles per second, so 80,000 cycles per minute must be converted to cycles per second. This is accomplished, of course, by dividing 80,000 by 60, which results in 1333-1/3. So, this is a frequency of 1333-1/3 Hertz. As for its period, this is figured out by inverting the quantity. Frequency is expressed in cycles per second, as we already know, but the period is seconds per cycle. So, if the frequency is 1333-1/3 cycles per second, then the period is 1 second per 1333-1/3 cycles. So, divide 1 by 1333-1/3. This results in 0.00075 seconds, or to put it in more common terms, 3/4 of a millisecond.

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know.

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9y ago

Hertz is measured in one second. So a 100Hz is the frequency of a wavelength in a second. 80000 Hertz is not very high, in fact it is low. Think about your radio, when you have it programmed to 98.9, then it is programmed to 98,900,000 Hz. To put in a simple example a bass sound is at 20HZ, the sound of cymbals in a band is 20,000Hz, and the wireless network card operates at 2,400,000,000 2.4GigaHertz. H

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16y ago

133.33 Hz

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Q: What is the frequency in Hertz of a signal that repeats 80000 times within one minute What is its period the length of one complete cycle?
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What is the frequency?

Frequency is defined as the number of cycles per minute. Ex: for a sine wave from " 0 to pi " is a cycle, and this repeats periodically within a interval of time. if frequency of a signal is 50Hz, then you can say that this signal repeats 50 time's a minute..

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Measure the time for a wave to pass a given point- peak to peak. The number of complete peak-to-peak waves per second/minute is the frequency of that wave.

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The period is the time it takes for one complete oscillation, which is 1/76 minutes. The frequency is the number of oscillations per unit time, which is 76 cycles per minute.

What is frequency in recording?

The unit of frequency is hertz (Hz) that means 1/second. For example, the frequency of 1 Hz means that an event repeats once per second, 2 Hz is twice per second, and so on. This unit was originally called a cycle per second (cps), which is still sometimes used. Heart rate and musical tempo are measured in beats per minute (BPM). Frequency is not only used in recording.

Why is the frequence electromagnetic radiation measured in wave secound or hertz?

Because that's how frequency is DEFINED. The frequency of any wave, including an EM one, can be described as the number of times per second that wave repeats an action. Thus, crests per second, or Hz. Just think about the word "frequency". It means "how frequent" or "how often". To describe how often something happens, you count how many times it happens in a week, a day, an hour, a minute, or ... if it's something that repeats very fast ... how many times it happens every second. That's exactly the meaning of the unit "Hertz" ... it means "per second".

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No, 1 Hz means 1 cycle (or waveform) passing a stationary point in 1 second, not in 1 minute. This is because the unit Hz (Hertz) measures frequency, which is the number of cycles per second.

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1 Hz is the number of complete cycles of a wave in one second. If after 1 second there is 5 complete cycles of the wave, that means the frequency is 5 Hz.

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What is the frequency when 300 waves pass a point in one minute?

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