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Any formatting can change the way data looks in a cell. That is the point of formatting.

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Q: What is the formatting option that changes the way the data looks in a cell?
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What is erasing format in Microsoft Excel?

It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.It is removing normal formatting on a cell. The Clear All formatting option is often used to do this.

If the value of the cell changes and no longer meets the specified condition does Excel suppress the conditional formatting?

The cell will no longer use the formatting that was appropriate before the change. The formatting option still exists so that if the cell is changed again, the formatting may be applied again, if the cell meets the particular conditions.

How do you undo conditional formatting in Excel?

There is a delete option when you open the Conditional Formatting option. You could also use the Format Painter to paste formatting from a cell with no conditional formatting onto the cell that has.

What changes the appearance of a cell range?

Formatting, which can be done in many ways.

Can cell alignment be change in Excel?

You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.

What format changes the appearene of cell range based on critera?

Conditional Formatting.

What is a cell formatting option that forces text to break into lines within a cell?

Use ALT-Enter to add a line break within a cell.

How do you create a conditional format that will indent the data in a cell?

You do not. Text alignment is not an option available for conditional formatting.

How can you make it so that dependent on what you type in an Excel cell the background colour changes for the cell?

You use Conditional Formatting. You can set up to 3 conditions to change the colours or other formatting for the cell. You will find it under the Format menu.

How do you shade a row based on one cell value in Excel?

You need to use Conditional Formatting to do that. You need to set a formula option within Conditional Formatting for the cells that look at one particular cell's value. Conditional Formatting has the option to set formatting based on values or based on formulas. In this instance you would need a formula. For example you could have a formula like this, which checks if cell A2 is greater than 10:=$A$2>10Then you can set whatever formatting you want.

What is formatting mark in a cell that assists with selecting and formatting?

end of cell mark

What is the excel feature by which a cell takes on the formatting of the number typed into the cell?

A number typed in a cell has no formatting of its own. Formatting is determined by the format set for the cell. You may be asking about conditional formatting, but it is difficult to tell from your question.