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System32 under C://Windows/System32

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Q: What is the folder in which windows is installed is known generically as what?
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The folder in which Windows is installed is known generically as what?

SystemRoot%SystemRoot% defines your Operating System's defualt folder or location that all the system files are stored at.%SystemRoot% is a system wide variable which refers to the path and folder name where system files are located. Typically this is C:\Windows, although you can designate a different drive or folder when windows is installed. you can use %SystemRoot% in place of the actual location of the folder that contains the windows system files.For example, to identify your system root folder, click Start -> Run, type %SystemRoot% and click OK. This will open windows explorer with your system root folder displayed.Confusingly if you go Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables, then scroll to the bottom of the list and double click windir you will see that %SystemRoot% is actually a "Variable value" of a variable named windir. (see image below)

Which file extensions are hidden after windows is installed?

By default, Windows hides the extensions of files when viewed in Windows Explorer and on the Windows desktop. You may unhide all known file types by opening Windows Explorer, selecting Tools > Folder Options, clicking the View tab, and removing the checkmark to ñhide file extensions for known files types.î

What is the source folder used for?

Honestly,this is easy to answer,the source folder for Microsoft windows/Windows XP,Ect,Is basically the source for the computer software and registry,and the source of the pc.Google it!!

Which file extensions are hidden just after Windows is installed?

By default, Windows hides the extensions of files when viewed in Windows Explorer and on the Windows desktop. You may unhide all known file types by opening Windows Explorer, selecting Tools > Folder Options, clicking the View tab, and removing the checkmark to ñhide file extensions for known files types.î

What is a folder in a computer?

Windows XP folders are also known as directories

What point in Windows start-up are the settings called the last known good configeration saved?

The last known good configuration is like windows restore, it will go back to the last installed software or last installed piece of hardware

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They are generically known as skycaps or porters.

How do you make con folder in windows?

This a commonly known glitch featured in Windows. As "CON" is a reserved folder name, users are prevented from creating folders with reserved names. Some of these names are listed below: * PRN * AUX * NUL * LPT1 * COM1 * Potential drive letter - A: to Z: * A number of others

How do you make con folder in windows xp?

This a commonly known glitch featured in Windows. As "CON" is a reserved folder name, users are prevented from creating folders with reserved names. Some of these names are listed below: * PRN * AUX * NUL * LPT1 * COM1 * Potential drive letter - A: to Z: * A number of others

Can programs written for Windows run in another operating system like Unix?

Yes, if the system has a library known as "Wine" installed.

What kind of drugs can destroy bacteria?

Drugs such penicillin, generically known as as "antibiotics".