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Q: What is the flow of data to the microroccessor to the pheriphials and back again?
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You back it up on itunes, then reload it again

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I think you can download them again from shop channel for free if not then you would have to buy them again

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You can delete the game and put it back on your device to erase all the data.

How do you get something back if you delete it on iPod?

If it is an app you can get the app again, but if your talking about data if you backed it up to your computer you should be able to find it on your computer

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Data cleaning is where the data may have missing data such as gender and the data manager has to go back to the source to find the data or data is incorrect and has to be corrected back at the source.

What does it mean if an experiment does not support the hypothesis?

Do the experiment again and again to confirm the data is correct If the data is consistent then your hypothesis is wrong and you need to think of a new one that fits the data.

What are the disadvantages of no backup data?

If you don't have a backup for data then your business can lose all of its proprietary information. Backups help organizations get the information they lost back.

What if it says data could not be read on your Pokemon pearl game what do you do?

take your game card out and blow on the botom of the back side of the game card. Then insert it again.

What is the percentage and cost of data recovery?

You should be able to get most of your data back. However it depends on who you use or what you use to get back the data Verizon did it for me and i got about 95% back.

What is Cycle of data processing how does it work?

Data processing is a process in which raw data is converted in usable format or information Data processing cycle - data is processed again and again to get desired or accurate results for more details visit -

How did modems get there name?

Modem comes from Modulator-Demodulator, a device that converts the computers signals to something that could be transmitted over a phone line and back again to something a computer at the other end can understand. the name means MODulator DEModulator It converts digital data from the computer to analogue data that can travel through the ethernet cables. Then as the data comes back in it translates the data from analogue into digital so the computer can understand it