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Q: What is the feather people used to write with that you dip into ink?
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What pen was used when writing the federalist paper?

probably a feather pen dip it in ink then write

What was black ink used for in ancient Egypt?

Black ink was used to draw draw pictures. You would dip a quill (a sharpened feather) into ink and draw picture because there wasn't markers black then. They also used black ink to write . you dip the quill into the ink and you start writing .

How do you make a quill?

find a feather dip it in ink

What did people use in 1900 to write with?

They used pens- fountain pens or dip-style pens- pencils,and early typewriters.

What is a pen made from a feather?

A pen made from a feather is called a quill pen. It was a common writing instrument before the invention of metal-nib pens, typically made from goose, swan, or crow feathers. Writers would use a sharp knife to create a nib out of the feather and dip it in ink to write.

What did your ancestors make ink out of?

my ancestors used the poop of birds and mud. they melted it and then put it in littles jars of whaterver they kept it in. they would use the end of a feather to write with but later on they discovered special sharp pens that they would suck on and then dip into the ink and that usually did the trick.

What did people write on in the olden days?

Hi, They write with pen and the dip it into the ink there was only black and blue there was no other colour

Where is the feather in pizza city?

Go to Zappa Park, then the map. On the far right, the land should take a dip kinda. Beneath a yellow and tan house is a feather. Take the feather to a pimp in Cashola. The pimp is by a yellow and tan house and is dressed in pink. He trades you $90 for the feather.

What was the purpose of the fountain pen being invented?

so it is easyer so you do not have to dip the feather into the inc. :) i love u

What did people in the 1860s write with?

They wrote with fountain pens that had to be dipped in inkwells or filled I believe. Mostly they would dip them in inkwells.

How did the first fountain pen impact society?

it made it faster to right then having to dip a pen or feather into an ink well

When you put water on a birds feather what will happen?

It will just slide or drip off unless you dip the bird in thewarterthen it will be very wet:L