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There timw line states that the end of the world will come in 2012

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Q: What is the evolution time line of the Abacus from origination through the 20th Century?
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Who is discover of Abacus?

The Sumerian abacus appeared in 2700 BC, a primitive device which was difficult to use. The Persians used the abacus in 600 BC. The Greek abacus dated to the 5th Century BC. The Chinese dated to the 2nd Century BC

Which century was abacus invented?

Around 2500BC the first Abacus appeared in Sumaria. It arrived in Persia about 600BC. The Greek Abacus is recorded to have been in use about 500BC

When century was abacus invented?

2700-2300 bc

What culture first invented the abacus?

The Chinese culture.Answer:While presently linked in most minds to the Chinese or Asian community the abacus has a lengthy history going through many cultures:Mesopotamia (2700-2300 BCE): First appearance of th abacus in SumeriaIran/Persia (600 BCE)Egypt (5th century BCE)Greece (5th century BCE) The oldest remaining example dates back to 300 BCE.China (2nd century BCE)Rome (1st century BCE)

When did the Chinese start using the abacus?

The earliest known written record of the Chinese abacus dates to the 14th century AD.

What is the long form of ABACUS?

Abacus is not an acronym. The word passed through Latin, Greek and Hebrew from Mesopotamian where it meant "counting board".

What simple device did the Chinese use in the twelfth century to perform mathematic calculations?

A brain - and it is not a simple device. It was assisted by an abacus, but without a brain an abacus would not have been much use!

Who created abacus?

China Answer: The abacus has a history going back to 2500 BCE when it was first used in Sumeria.Later and improved versions were in use in Babylonia, Egypt, Persia, India, China, Rome and Greece. There are reports of abaci in India as early as the 1st century CE. The first use of Chinese abacus is not documented until the 14th Century CE although there is evidence in Chinese illustrations that they were in common use as early as 1100 CE. It was similar to the modern abacus. From China the abacus spread into Japan and Korea.Some scholars point to an independent development of the abacus in Mesoamerica by the Mayans and Aztecs. These were of course based on the base 20 not 10 as in Asia and Europe.

What is considered one of the greatest developments of the 20th century Analytical Engine the tabulating machine the abacus or the the transistor?


Which country invented the abacus?

China invented the abacus .

Who is the Filipino inventor that made the Abacus?

The abacus was not invented by a Filipino; it was first recorded, well before that area was even properly settled, in many ancient civilisations earlier than 500 BCE, and in Mesopotamia before 2000 BCE. The abacus was likely introduced to the country by traders some time after the 13th century.

How do you say abacus in Hindi?