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Q: What is the effects of dust and liquids in computer?
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What are the effects of food and dust particles on a computer keyboard?

Affects the D.O.S Operating system

Why is a dustcover important to extend the hardware of a computer?

dust cover is protect your computer from dust particles so dust cover is important i also covered my computer to dust cover

You open a computer and observe that the computer is full of dust what should you do in order to remove the dust from the system?

Use compressed air to remove the dust Vacuum the dust out of the system

Why would one use a computer dust cover?

The reason why you would use a computer cover is to protect your monitor, CPU, keyboard, and printer from computer damaging dust. Using a computer dust cover also will protect your computer from harmful particles that can increase overheating.

What is the use of a computer mini vacuum?

A computer mini vacuum is useful as it allows you to hoover all of the dust and dirt from the keyboard and the monitor and ensures that the computer is dust free. Dust can cause problems for computer circuits so its recommended to hoover your pc regularly

Can you prevent dust storms?

No. A dust storm cannot be prevented. All one can do is brace for its effects.

What is dust in computer graphics?

Most residential dust is made of human skin

What are the effects on solid liquids and gases?

changes From a liquid to a gas it

What are the side effects of politics?

to leave people in the dust

Does dust tornado negate effects of magic and traps?

No, Dust Tornado is a destruction card but not a negation card.

Why is dust a solid?

The molecules are tightly bounded where liquids and gases have lose bonds which allows them to flow

What is effect of heat on different liquids?

Effects are: boiling or thermal decompostion.