4 are on tricycles and 6 are on bicycles
Each tricycle has three wheels, and there are two tricycles. So: 2 tricycles x 3 wheels = 6 wheels
Adult tricycles can be bought from a variety of bicycle stores. If the store does not have one in stock they will special order the tricycle for you.
Each tricycle has 3 wheels, so on 3 tricycles there are a total of 9 wheels.
bicycles, tricycles
one tricycle has 3 cycles, so 6 tricycles should have (6x3) 18 wheels
1 tricycle = 3 wheels so 6 tricycles = 6*3 = 18 wheels.
pop's cycle shop selld bicycles and tricycles. the number of bicycles is 1 less than 5 times the number of tricycles. all the bbicycles and tricycles together have a total of 154 wheels. how many bicycles are there?
9 wheels
if it were 1 rider per bike then 19( 8 tricycles )