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7 3/4"x 11 7/8"x3 11/16

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Q: What is the dimensions of a normal box of Cheerios?
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Related questions

How many Cheerios fit into a pint jar?

500 Cheerios fit into a pint jar. There are roughly 2,772 Cheerios in a normal cereal box. There are about 250 Cheerios in a "cup". 2 cups equal one pint. so my guess is roughly 500 Cheerios fit into a pint jar.

How many cheerios are in a 15 oz box of cheerios?

One person counted 4802 in a 15 oz box ( Our count was 5198 for our 15 oz box. Boxes are filled by weight, not volume or Cheerio count, as it says on the box. Oh, well.

What is the serving size for cheeries?

It depends exactly what type of cheerios you have, but for Normal Cheerios: 3/4 Cup Whole Grain Cheerios: 1 Cup Honey Nut Cheerios: 3/4 - 1 Cup

How many cheerios in a 14 oz box of cheerios?

Everyone's answer would be different but it for it to be right it would have to be between the range of the mid 4000 and early 5000. Mines was 4771 cheerios

How much does a single serving box of cheerios cost?


The weight of a box of Cheerios represents what kind of distribution?


What does a blonde see when she looks into a box of cheerios?

doughnut seeds

Production cost of cheerios?

your mom knows!

What happens when a bloned opens a box of cheerios?

she says "oh look! a box of donut seeds!"

How many grams are in a honey nut Cheerios box?

There are many different size boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios, so the grams will vary.

How much does a box of cheerios cost?

It might cost 3.59$

What are the bike box dimensions made of cardboard?

The bike box dimensions are typically made of cardboard.