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Abacus was manually used for counting and very old method. Computer is automatic and it can solve any length of calculation easily with no error.


William Smith

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Do abacus's contain computer systems?

An abacus is not a computer system as zero parts of the abacus are electrical. For the abacus to be a computer system, it has to have an input, output and process and store data. If even one of the following is not true then the device will not be considered a computer system. An abacus can not store data, as the human using the abacus will have to memorise the sequences instead of the abacus being able to memorise on its own.

What is the name of the inventor of abacus?

Abacus was invented by the Chinesethe abacus was also known as the first computer

Difference between abacus and modern computer?

abacus is an ancient calculating tools while an computer is a modern tools.

What is the abacus computer?

Yes, it was an early mechanical computer. It is regarded as the first computer, made over 5000 years ago. An abacus is not like a modern computer. People think of a computer as an electronic, programmable device that can store, retrieve, and process data. There were many computing devices prior to the electronic computer that had processing capabilities. They were mechanical devices and are computers. There are many different kinds of computing devices and an abacus is one of them.

What were the calculating devices before the invention of computer?

The earliest recorded calculating device is the abacus. Used as a simple computing device for performing arithmetic, the abacus most likely appeared first in Babylonia (now Iraq) over 5000 years ago.

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What is the first type of computer?

An abacus.