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ram :

  • loses stored data when power is switched off
  • has almost limitless read-write cycles
  • very fast access time


  • keeps stored data even when power is turned off
  • has limited read-write cycles. some types of rom can be used nly once (non re-writable cd's)
  • read times are slower than ram
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Brandy Sipes

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2y ago
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Q: What is the difference betwen ram and rom?
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Difference between RAM nd RAM?

Do you mean the difference between RAM and ROM? If that is what you meant then ROM is what is used to read discs that are put into the computer, but RAM is used to temporarily hold memory from desktop and web based applications.

What is the difference between flash ram and flash rom?

Flash RAM is used for temporary data, such as in a USB drive. Flash ROM is used for bios and system files.

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What is the difference between RAM aand ROM?

Random Access Memory (RAM) can have some of your own information saved to it. Read-Only Memory (ROM) cannot have any information saved to it as it has its own information. For example: CD - ROM

Compare and contrast RAM and ROM?

RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory; ROM is an acronym for Read Only Memory. Both RAM and ROM are random access; that is, each cell in memory is directly accessible. The cells in RAM can be both read from and written to. The cells in ROM can only be read from. The bit pattern in ROM is determined at the time of manufacture or burned when the computer is assembled. Once a ROM has been burned (written), it cannot be changed. Another major difference is that RAM is volatile and ROM is not. This means that RAM does not maintain its bit patterns when the power is turned off, but ROM does.

What is the difference batween ram and rom?

ROM, as in CD-ROM, refers to the way in which you access the stored data, i.e. Read-Only Memory. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the amount of memory a computer can access to complete a given action. The more RAM, the quicker the action can be performed.

What does the acronym RAM and ROM stand for and the difference in the two?

RAM is Random Access Memory while ROM is Read Only Memory. Nxt person 2 xplain da difarence plz. . . . .

Why are RAM and ROM software?

ram is random access memory and ROM is read only memory

Where is boot program stored in RAM or RoM?


What is do the acronyms RAM and Rom mean?

RAM - Random Access Memory ROM - Read Only Memory

What is the expanded form of RAM and ROM?

RAM is random access memory and ROM is read-only memory.

Is temporary data storage a rom or ram?
