internet Most people think of internet when they browse the WWW (World Wide Web). But internet is in origin a collection of several services concists of http, e-mail, usenet, chat, ftp, gopher and wais. Cyberspace Cyberspace is the notional realm in which electronic information exists or is exchanged
Another name of internat is cyberspace
internet Most people think of internet when they browse the WWW (World Wide Web). But internet is in origin a collection of several services concists of http, e-mail, usenet, chat, ftp, gopher and wais. Cyberspace Cyberspace is the notional realm in which electronic information exists or is exchanged
"Cyberspace" is just another word for the internet. "I like to play in cyberspace" = "I like to play on the internet".
Cyberspace is the Information Highway, Also known as the internet.
"on the Internet" should suffice. Saying or writing "I'm in Cyberspace" is very '90s. Just say that you're "on the Internet", or "using the 'net" if you prefer.
one of the synonyms are cyberspace.
a game publisher makes the game go out in stores
AnswerThe difference between the two is that internet is the world wide web and network is local.
It is just another name for the internet, like the web or cyberspace.
i do not no