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Q: What is the difference between enable and disable?
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the difference between the Enable Secret and the Enable password and that the Enable Secret password supersedes the Enable password if it's set.

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What is the difference between enable and disable on a computer?

Enabled allows something to be started with the computer. Disabled means that a option will be work. Changing these options can be very damaging to the computer and should not be changed if not sure. If in doubt, check it out.

How do you enable or Disable Router?

un plug it

Why do it say chat disable?

no i believe it is Enable

How do you know what to enable and disable on your computer?

Disabling stuff on your computer may be dangerous and could create problems. However, enabling may slow down your computer. There are many enable / disable you can do on a computer, for example; start up programs, effects, services and more. The best thing is to google what you want to enable / disable on your computer. There are many tweak programs out there which tell you what the option is for and if to enable / disable it.

How do you enable ip routing to yes?

On a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routingOn a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routingOn a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routingOn a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routing

What does FN plus ESC do?

it means enable or disable BLUETOOTH

How do you enable and disable button in c sharp?

Via Control.Enabled property (Button derived from Control): to enable a button (assume aButton is an instance of button) aButton.Enabled = true; aButton.Enabled = false; // this will disable the button

How can I enable or disable subtitles on Netflix?

To enable or disable subtitles on Netflix, you can use the settings within the platform. For more details and to enhance your Netflix experience, I've been using this helpful

Why i can't enable and disable interrupts of my AVR for several times?

It's impossible :o) You can disable and enable any interrupt source by setting or clearing corresponding bit in proper control register. Show me your code - we will see what can be done wrong. Asar You can set bit I on SREG by 1 to enable global interrupt or by 0 to disable it. in c programming you can write #asm ("sei") //to enable global interupt #asm ("cli") //to disable global interupt M. Wicaksono A.

How do you enable and disable the copy paste option in windows xp?

You can enable and disable the copy/paste option in Windows XP via certain software. These include Prevent, M File Anti-Copy or Stopper.