Templates (.dot) are identical to Word (.doc) files but all of the formatting in them applies to the current document. In Word, if you create a New file and use the default then it has the normal.dot file formats. Some templates have Visual Basic macros to help you fill out the document e.g. your company name in a fax template.
Both are Microsoft Word document files. ".docx" is the new file extension that newer Microsoft Word version uses while the older versions save word files as ".doc" files.
.doc just say hey I'm a old word processing file extension and this is how I need to be opened, so you can read me.
* The file extension of a Word document is .doc * The file extension of an Excel speadsheet is .xls
.doc or .docx
the Microsoft word files are called document
Yes MS Word is a doc file. The file extension of MS Word file is .doc, .docx, .docm and many more.
Doc file extension is short for document
".doc" in versions of Microsoft Word before 2007".docx" in Microsoft Word 2007 and later..docMS word
".odt" is for Open Document and ".doc" is for Word Document.