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  • FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.
  • HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

FTP, is a protocol used to upload files from a workstation to a FTP server or download files from a FTP server to a workstation.

HTTP, is a protocol used to transfer files from a Web server onto a browser in order to view a Web page that is on the internet.

When ftp appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a file server and not a Web server and that some form of file transfer is going to take place.

When http appears in a URL it means that the user is connecting to a Web server and not a file server. The files are transferred but not downloaded, therefore not copied into the memory of the receiving device.

FTP is a two-way system as files are transferred back and forth between server and workstation.

HTTP is a one-way system as files are transported only from the server onto the workstation's browser.

FTP, where entire files are transferred from one device to another and copied into memory,

HTTP only transfers the contents of a web page into a browser for viewing.

FTP file uploaded is used in cases when the file size is more than 70 MB

HTTP upload is used for smaller files.

FTP uses an FTP client server and an FTP client.

HTTP is used for all web [ages i.e. it is the standard protocol to transmit hyperlinked documents and files. It is often used in conjunction with HTML.

FTP was the original non-GUI file transfer program and could be run from a command line interface like MS-DOS.

HTTP is associated with a browser file transfer program like Internet Explorer.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host or to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.

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Compare between the ftp and HTTP?

HTTP shows us images and allows stuff like what we are doing here. My FTP site is for you to enter my machine and collect data that I allow you to.

What is the differences between Telnet and FTP?

The Difference Between a File Server & an FTP ServerFunctiono File servers store data for an entire network, just as an individual computer's hard drive stores data for that individual computer. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers run an FTP application to exchange files over the Internet, which is the world's largest network.Similaritieso File serving and FTP serving are both networking methods that involve file transfer between computers. FTP servers need to work together with file servers in order to function. In a network using FTP, file servers store data while FTP servers transmit that data over the Internet, with both being necessary for file transfer to occur.Differenceso FTP servers download files from or upload files to file servers. FTP servers move files to and from file server locations. FTP servers require file servers, but file servers do not require FTP servers, since file servers also serve various intranet networks not connected to the Internet.

How do you download a turbo c?

With FTP or HTTP.

What protocol allows files to be transferred from a web server so you can view them on your computer with a browser?

HTTP, not FTP, FTP allows you to download files, HTTP allows you to view.

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Telnet is similar to HTTP and FTP in that all three use the TCP protocol for connection-oriented

What is an FTP site - Is this just another term for a folder location on the FTP server or is it a website that allows me to upload files for FTP transmission?

A FTP site is a website that allow you to connect and manage you FTP server through the web.Some FTP sites:Net2FTP: http://www.net2ftp.comF->IT: https://fit.jupiterit.comWeb2FTP: www.web2ftp.comBossFTP: FTP site is simply a site or IP that will accept calls using FTP -- File Transfer Protocol. Typically, it's software running on a machine that appears logically to be a separate machine dedicated to running FTP.

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Https is a more secure. Http is not necessarily secure at all. FTP is used to connect to a file server while HTTP connects to a web server.

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Difference Between SOAP and REST in Web services?

1. REST has no WSDL interface definition 2. REST is over HTTP, but SOAP can be over any transport protocols such HTTP, FTP, STMP, JMS etc. 3. SOAP is using soap envelope, but REST is just XML.

Differnece between FTP server and web server?

Two completely different purposes. FTP (file transfer protocol) servers are designed to transfer files between server and client. Web servers only serve webpages using the HTTP protocol to a web browser, or any remote terminal program that are capable of sending HTTP requests.

How do you sync FTP with http?

An ftp connection can be synced with http by using a secure file transfer. This will allow files and information to be transferred across the connection until they are current on both ends.