These are all DOS commands for the old PC DOS operating system.
Copy could copy some combination of file or files (via wildcards) within a given directory, xcopy could do that as well as copy directories, diskcopy could make duplicates of disks usually floppy disks.
Although not widely used these days, because of the graphical user interface (GUI), DOS command prompt commands like copy and xcopy still have their uses, and every PC technician should still know what they're used for.
the "copy" command is used to copy single files, while "xcopy" will copy entire directories (including subdirectories).
Hope this clears things up.
The Copy and Xcopy are the same in the sense that both copy the files and directory trees to another folder.
Copy copies files. Xcopy copies directories, too. Much more powerful.
diskcopy a: b:
To copy directory, you need to run xcopy command.. You can not copy directory with copy command.. xcopy c:\*.* /s/e a:\ This will copy entire contents to A drive..
Xcopy is the website for the business Express Copy in Portland, Maine. Their main product is document printing, which they offer a full line of services.
Depends on which operating system you are using and whether you want to copy more than one file.In DOS/Windows command prompt "c:\copy xxxx /destination_folder/"if more than one file you can use "c:\copy xxx.* /destination_folder/"Xcopy has more options (verify, copy subdirectories ..) and is used "c:\xcopy xxx* /s /destination_folder/"In Unix/Linux/OSX cp is the command for copyingas in "#darkstar$cp -R *.txt /destination_folder/"cp has a lot more option than xcopy but you will need to type either "cp --help" or "man cp" to get the best of cp's actions.
MOVE as well as COPY and XCOPY, which leave the source file where it was.
copy a:\data\*.* c:\data\