cc=carbon copy bcc= blind carbon copy. use these when sending to multiple addresses
Carbon Copy Carbon Copy
Carbon Copy BCC = Blind Carbon Copy
Carbon Copy - film - was created in 1981.
Carbon Copy Media was created in 2006.
CC - Carbon Copy BCC - Blind Carbon Copy
carbon copy, meaning sending the same thing to another person. cc = carbon copy bcc = blind carbon copy
The duration of Carbon Copy - film - is 1.53 hours.
If you mean email it's carbon copy
c: Edit (Wolf5370): Actually it is usually ".cc" for carbon copy and ".bcc" for blind carbon copy. Standard notation.
Copy furnish is another way to say carbon copy. Popular in letters and emails, it is abbreviated with the letters CC, or BCC for blind carbon copy.
Carbon copy enables you to send an email to a list of clients. The entire list of addresses you sent the email to is displayed in the cc field. Blind carbon copy hides the list of email addresses from the recipients.