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Q: What is the default protocol used by windows vista?
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What is default encryption protocol that windows uses when sending an account name and password to a domain controller or validation?

Kerberos is the default protocol used by Windows Vista/XP

What is the default Media Player used in Windows Vista?

Windows Medie Player.

Which is the default protocol used in windows server 2008?

TCP/IP is the standard default.

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What encryption protocol does windows XP use when sending an account name and password to?

Kerberos is the default protocol used by Window 2000/XP.

Why is Windows Vista safer from viruses than Windows XP?

The reason could possibly be that Windows Vista was an upgrade, and had an upgraded firewall. Windows Vista also had Windows Defender installed by default, however, XP required a download for it. Windows Vista also patched several common exploits in Windows XP which were being used in viruses.

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Which tunneling protocal should be used?

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is a new VPN protocol that uses port 443, which is also used by Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS). SSTP is used to transport Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) traffic through an SSL channel. Currently it is only available on newer operating systems such as Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

What is the windows 7 default partition style?

MBR (Master Boot Record) - this is because prior to windows vista all x86 based computers used the MBR partition style only.

Will Vista Inspirat work on Windows 7?

No. Vista Inspirat is a Vista theme for Windows XP. As XP themes do not work on Windows 7, the theme cannot be used as is.

Can ipod be used with Windows Vista?

yes it can with windows media player.