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· The four phases of the information processing cycle: input, process, output and storage. · A Computer Program is a detailed set of instructions that tells a computer exactly what to do. · The Central Processing Unit or the CPU is the main part of the computer, or the 'brains'. · The CPU is made up of the microprocessor, the RAM and the Clock speed. · Microprocessor is the chip that does the processing. The computers in M121 have a Pentium II processor. · RAM (Random Access Memory, or main memory) is the amount of memory the computer needs to run the programs. It measures how many different things the computer can do at once. · Know difference between KB, MB, GB. · 28 Megabytes (MB) of RAM is the minimum RAM you should purchase in a new computer. · Clock Speed is how fast the computer can do something, and is measured in megahertz (MHz). · Printers- Impact and Non-impact. (Know the difference between the different computers) = Laser vs. Ink Jet vs. Dot Matrix = · Auxiliary Storage- Diskettes, CD-ROM, Hard Disk. (What is Auxiliary Storage used?) High Density Disks = 3 ½ in. = 1.44 MB Zip Disks = 100 MB = 70 High Density or Floppy Disks (Know difference between Zip, Super, and Jazz · The surface of a computer screen is made up of individual picture elements called pixels. The standard dot pitch on a monitor is .28 (the smaller the better.) · The most commonly used operating system on personal computers is Windows/DOS. · What are three things to look for when selecting a monitor? · What is the easiest and least expensive upgrade you can do to your computer? · The motherboard is the part of the computer that all the other internal parts get plugged into. · What is the difference between systems software and applications software? · How do you save a document? · What is the cursor? · What does "dragging" mean? · How do you exit from Word? · What does "word wrap" mean? · How do you double click something? · What is the ESCAPE key used for? · What is the processor unit composed of? · In Word, what are the default settings for spacing? · How many times do you space after the following? : ; . , · What does SS, DS, and QS stand for? · How far from the computer should you be seated? · How and what you use the delete, backspace, shift, caps lock, tab and the num lock keys for. · How many key strokes are equivalent to 1 word when calculating your GWAM? · If mouse doesn't work, how do you exit a file?

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15y ago

Data has to flow into the system in some form. INPUT is the data flowing into the system from outside. The next stage in the information flow is the input data being manipulated in some way. PROCESSING is the action of manipulating the input into a more useful form. The final stage in the information flow is normally to present the information in a user-friendly way. Output is the information flowing out of the system.

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