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Gross in this context just means things in general. Detailed gets more into the specifics.

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Q: What is the concept of gross system design and detailed system design?
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What is the gross mean?

"Gross mean" is not a standard term or concept. If you can provide more context or clarify your question, I would be happy to help answer it.

What are some gross stuff about the muscular system?

Girls with big muscles is gross

What is the design gross vehicle weight of a 1991 gmc vandura?

It should be on your door jamb sticker.

Was there a sewer system in ancient Athens?

No. It's gross, but no.

What is the phone number of the Gross Pointe Public School System in Grosse Pointe Michigan?

The phone number of the Gross Pointe Public School System is: 313-343-2397.

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Daniel Gross has written: 'Bull Run' -- subject(s): Stock exchanges, Public Finance, Democratic Party (U.S.), Business and politics

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Examples of gross anatomy include studying the major organs like the heart, liver, and lungs, as well as understanding the structure of the skeletal system and the muscular system in the human body. It also involves examining the nervous system, circulatory system, and respiratory system in detail.

What has the author Alex Gross written?

Alex Gross is a contemporary American artist known for his detailed and colorful paintings that often depict elements of pop culture and surreal themes. He has not written any books, as he primarily focuses on visual art.

What is the pay scale for system administrators in Australia?

70000 AUD Gross

Where is the Gross Pointe Public School System in Grosse Pointe Michigan located?

The address of the Gross Pointe Public School System is: 10 Kercheval Ave, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236-3602

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Gross National Happiness was designed in an attempt to define an indicator and concept that measures quality of life or social progress in more holistic and psychological terms than only the economic indicator of gross domestic product (GDP)

Why we need conceptual design of Management Information System?

Management is a delicate system. Each decision made by management has the potential to bring big business or keep customers away. If you do something simple like playing theme park tycoon (or any of them) you will see that all the pieces have to fit perfectly in order for the operation to run smoothly. Each decision that is made could be a potential time bomb. It all has to balance and if something is slightly out of line it could impact your business for a long period of time. To study business gives you the tools to make the best decisions and to react quickly to the bad ones to alleviate the damage as soon as possible. We have a bank here where I live. It is not a tiny bank because it has branches in 3 states, but neither is it a huge conglomerate. This bank decided not to take the bailout money that was being offered. The banks that did take it are trying to give it back so fast and this one small tiny bank is waving banners saying "No Bailout Money Needed". This banner reminds its customers that they are stable and their business is growing again.